The Game Of Thrones has been a huge success and its popularity has continued to grow. It’s no surprise that the show is so popular, with dragons being the centerpiece of the series. With so many dragon names in the series, it would be difficult for any fan to keep track of them all without help.
The all dragons in game of thrones history is a list of all the dragon names from Game Of Thrones. This includes their history and meaning.
Game of Thrones is one of the most popular and, some would say, the greatest television shows of all time. Throughout the series, we meet three dragons that are the offspring of Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons. House Targaryen, on the other hand, possessed more than only dragons.
The following is an alphabetical list of all 34 Game of Thrones dragons.
WARNING: SPOILERS for the forthcoming TV program House of the Dragon may be found in the following material. Skip parts of the paragraphs if you wish to keep your viewing experience spoiler-free.
1. Archonei

Because Archonei was never mentioned in the novels, there isn’t much information on him. In season one of the Game of Thrones series, Viserys addressed him, along with other dragons.
Archonei was bred by House Targaryen, and after his death, his massive skull was displayed in King’s Landing’s Red Keep.
His name signifies “the soul of a dragon.”
2. Arrax
Arrax was a dragon that lived on the Dragonstone Island. On the island, there were twelve dragons, but Arrax was one of only six with a rider – Prince Lucerys Velaryon.
Unfortunately, Arrax was slain in a storm during the Dance of the Dragons, a civil conflict within House Targaryen. Vhagar was a five-times-larger dragon than Arrax.
Arrax and Lucerys were caught in the storm by her rider, Aemond Targaryen, and Vhagar beheaded Arrax mid-flight. Lucerys ultimately perished after falling into the waters of Shipwreck Bay.
3. Balerion
Balerion, the Black Dread, was one of the most massive dragons ever to soar through the sky. His shadow was believed to be so large that it could engulf an entire city. Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes burnt and devastated nearly the whole city of Harrenhall, and he and his rider, Aegon the Conqueror, played a key part in the Battle of the Field of Fire.
Balerion’s massive skull has only been seen in the dungeons of the Red Keep in the Game of Thrones series. When comparing the size of Balerion’s head to Cersei’s, it’s clear that he was considerably bigger than Daenerys’ Drogon.
It signifies “hope behind the flames,” according to some accounts. The name is derived from the Valyrian Gods of antiquity.
4. Caraxes (n.d.)
I’ll attempt to make this as spoiler-free as possible. Aemon Targaryen rode Caraxes, a red dragon, first, and later Daemon Targaryen. He was one of the most powerful dragons in the world, as well as one of the most experienced in combat. Another dragon, Vhagar, was also battle-weary, yet she, too, took breaks while Caraxes was on the battlefield.
His crimson scales earned him the moniker The Blood Wyrm, and enemy armies often fled when they saw him ascend to the sky.
5. Cannibal

During the Dance of the Dragons, Cannibal was one of three wild dragons that lived on the island of Dragonstone. He was a midnight black dragon with threatening green eyes who, like the other two wild dragons, Sheepstealer and Grey Ghost, had never been ridden. He was also the eldest and biggest of the three brothers.
He was given his name by the Dragonstone residents because he was prone to cannibalism, devouring deceased dragons, young dragons, and even eggs.
6. Dreamfyre
During the Storming of the Dragonpit, Dreamfyre was one of the five dragons slain at King’s Landing. Inside the pits, the dragon assassins killed the dragons. Dreamfyre was the last to live, and in an attempt to flee, she burst her shackles and soared aloft.
She succeeded to shatter the ceiling, but it was too late for her, as the cascading rubble crushed and murdered her and the other dragon slayers. Dreamfyre was ridden by both Rhaena and Helaena Targaryen before the events.
7. Drogon
In the Game of Thrones series, Drogon is one of the three dragon offspring of Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons. Daenerys always rode on his back since he was the last one to live. He was the most ferocious of the three dragons, having all black scales and red scales.
He was named after Daenerys’ late husband, Khal Drogo. Despite his violent nature, he really cared for his siblings and their mother. He didn’t murder Jon Snow to avenge her when he discovered her corpse, instead burning and melting the Iron Throne – the one thing that had brought so much death and misery throughout history.
8. Essovius
Essovius, like Archonei, was never mentioned in the books, but we learned about him in the first season of Game of Thrones. In the episode Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things, Viserys mentions Essovius.
One of the eight dragons that “welded the seven kingdoms into one” was mentioned. His skull was placed in the Red Keep halls in King’s Landing after his death.
9. Grey Ghost
Grey Ghost is the second of the Dragonstone’s three wild dragons. Because of his looks and the fact that the inhabitants of Dragonstone could never locate him when they looked for him, he was given the name.
He lived in a smoking vent on the eastern slope of a volcano known as Dragonmont, avoiding people as much as possible and preferring to eat fish and other animals instead. Sunfyre eventually murdered and devoured him.
10. Ghiscar
Viserys named Ghiscar in the baths of Vaes Dothrak as one of the eight dragons. His name is the same as a province in Essos, which is most likely an easter egg hidden by the Game of Thrones scriptwriters for readers of the books to discover.
Although he was never named in the books, his name resonates with all fans of George R.R. Martin’s work. His skull was also displayed in the halls of the Red Keep following his death, and although he was never mentioned in the books, his name resonates with all fans of George R.R. Martin’s work.
11. Meleys
Meleys was a female dragon that was one of the most beautiful dragons ever. She was nicknamed as the Red Queen because of her vivid red hair. Meleys was one of the most powerful dragons ever, and both Princess Rhaenys and Alyssa Targaryen rode her back into combat.
Even the enormous Vhagar, who was thought to be the greatest dragon in existence, never fought her one-on-one. Vhagar and Sunfyre were paired against Meleys by Daemon Targaryen to murder her, but the Red Queen still managed to injure Sunfyre before they killed her.
Meleys is a Persian name that meaning “queen of the underworld.”
12. Meraxes
Meraxes was one of the three dragons ridden in the War of Conquest, along with Vhagar and Balerion. He was described as a pearl-white dragon capable of devouring an entire horse. Despite the fact that he was bigger than Vhagar at the time, she outlived and outgrew him.
Meraxes and his rider, Rhaenys Targaryen, both perished during the War when a Dornish scorpion-head arrow struck Meraxes in the eye, piercing his brain and killing him immediately. The Dornish sent his skull to the Red Keep as a peace gift after the War.
Meraxes is derived from the name of one of Valyria’s Gods.
13. Moondancer
Baela Targaryen was the only one who could ride Moondancer, a young she-dragon. She was still tiny – about the size of a warhorse – but very fast. She was a light-green creature with pearl wings and a crest that could barely support Baela’s weight.
She battled Sunfyre, who was ridden by Aegon II, only to be slain and eaten by the much bigger monster. Despite being badly wounded and burnt throughout the fight, Baela survived Moondancer’s fall.
14. Morghul is 14 years old.
Morghul was also murdered in the Storming of the Dragonpit event, in which a horde of tens of thousands stormed the dragon stables and slew five Targaryen dragons.
He was still a juvenile dragon, tied to princess Jaehaera Targaryen but never ridden. He was tough, however, since he slaughtered a large number of troops before being slain. Even as the flames scorched his armor and burnt his skin, a guy with a spear plunged it into Morghul. Because no one knew his real identity, he was dubbed the Burning Knight.
Morghul is a name that loosely translates to “death.”
15. In the morning
Morning was a young she-dragon that was born during the Dragon Dance. Rhaena Targaryen, who was also her sole rider, was her owner. We don’t know how she died, but based on the writings, we may confidently estimate she lived for no more than 25 years.
16. Quicksilver
Quicksilver was a gorgeous pale white dragon with pale white fireballs. Aenys I, a frail prince who was reputed to be a scumbag, was his first rider, and he rapidly recovered his health after connecting with Quicksilver.
His son Aegon formed a connection with the dragon after his death, and the two battled together in the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye. Unfortunately, both Quicksilver and Aegon were slain in the fight, when Balerion the Black Dread pulled one of Quicksilver’s wings off mid-flight, sending him and Aegon tumbling to their deaths.
17. Rhaegal
Rhaegal was the second of Daenerys Targaryen’s three dragon offspring, named after her oldest brother, Rhaegar. His scales were bronze and green, and his wings were yellow-orange.
He was calmer and more compassionate than Drogon, much like his other brother, Viserion. He had showed tremendous concern for Viserion, attempting to rescue him when he was shot down by the Night King, and had reacted to verbal instructions from his mother.
After being wounded by a wight Viserion (the Night King’s revived, undead version of Viserion) and being pierced by numerous scorpion bolts in the Battle of Dragonstone, he perished as well.
His only other human loyalty was to Jon Snow, who let him to ride with Drogon and Daenerys on his back.
18. Seasmoke
Seasmoke was one of the six wild, riderless dragons that lived on Dragonstone’s island. Lady Rhaenyra Targaryen noticed there were more dragons than Targaryen riders at the Dance of the Dragons. The Targaryens, on the other hand, had a lot of scum among the Dragonstone people.
So Rhaenyra decided to let the Dragonseeds – as the scumbag Targaryen kids were known on Dragonstone – attempt to tame one of the six wild dragons. If they succeed, they will be able to prove their Targaryen ancestry and get money and a title as a reward.
Many perished in the process, but four wild dragons were ultimately tamed, and Seasmoke was one of them. His riders were Laenor and Addam of Hull, and he was grey and white. Seasmoke and Addam were unfortunately slain in the Second Battle of Tumbleton.
19. Sheepstealer, number 19
Sheepstealr was (or is) a she-dragon that lived on Dragonstone as one of the six wild dragons. She was tamed by a scumbag, a girl called Nettles, in the same way as Seasmoke was. Rhaenyra and her spouse Daemon battled with her and Sheepstealer.
Rhaenyra was deceived by two more bastards while Daemon and Nettles pursued Aemond Targaryen, and she came to think that no bastard could be trusted from then on. So she sent a letter asking for Nettles’ head on a platter, but Daemon was the one who got it first.
As a consequence, he sent Nettles and Sheepstealer into the mist, leaving him and his dragon Caraxes alone to confront Aemond and Vhagar, culminating in the deaths of all four.
20. Shrykos
Shrykos was a juvenile she-dragon who was never ridden but was tethered to Jaehaerys Targaryen, a young prince. Unfortunately, she perished during the Storming of the Dragonpit, when Hobb the Hewer stabbed her in the back of the skull with an ax.
21. Silverwing
Queen Alysanne Targaryen formerly owned Silverwing, a large and magnificent she-dragon. However, following her death, she was left without a rider and eventually became one of the wild, uncontrolled dragons – until Ulf the White tamed him.
She went insane with sorrow after Ulf’s death and devoured every guy who attempted to approach her. She was one of only four dragons surviving after the Dance of the Dragons. Morning, on the other hand, was too tiny and immature to ride, and the other two, Sheepstealer and Cannibal, vanished, never to be seen again.
22. Stormcloud
During the Dance of the Dragons, Stormcloud was a very young, tiny dragon, hardly large enough to bear a boy’s weight. Rhaenyra intended to transfer two young Targaryen boys, Aemond III and Viserys II, to safety aboard a ship with Stormcloud as the conflict progressed.
The ship was unfortunately intercepted and assaulted, and Stormcloud was badly injured by a bolt through the neck. Aemond clutched Stormcloud, terrified, and the young dragon mustered enough power to take him back to King’s Landing.
Stormcloud fell from his wounds and fatigue when they arrived, dying a hero soon after — not only did the young dragon rescue Aemond, but he also alerted Rhaenyra that an army was approaching.
23. Sunfyre
Sunfyre was voted the most attractive dragon during the Dance, because to her brilliant golden hue. He wasn’t one of the large, elder dragons like the enormous Vhagar, but he was still a formidable opponent.
He’d killed two more dragons on his own (and one with Vhagar’s help), tying him with Vhagar for the most dragon-on-dragon kills during the Dance.
Unfortunately, he was badly wounded and died as a result of his injuries during his final battle with Moondancer, in which he killed the lesser she-dragon.
24. Syrax
Rhaenyra Targaryen claimed Syrax, a she-dragon named after an ancient Valyrian goddess. She was a big yellow dragon that was chained the most of the time, thus she didn’t have the same combat experience as Caraxes or Vhagar.
While it is unknown how Syrax died or who murdered her, she was undoubtedly killed after the Storming of the Dragonpits, when she came and battled the rioters.
Syrax is an Italian name that means “charisma.”
25. Tessarion is the twenty-fifth member of the Tessarion family
The Blue Queen, as Tessarion was known, was a magnificent blue dragon flown by Prince Daeron Targaryen. Several fights were won by Tessarion throughout the Dance, but she fell when three dragons battled each other — herself, Seasmoke, and Vermithor.
Tessarion was the last to die, having tried and failed many times to return to the sky before being shot in the eye and slain with three arrows.
26. Terrax
While most people have never seen Terrax, he was a legendary dragon ridden by Jaenara Belaerys, a Valyrian lady.
Jaenara and Terrax flew farther south than anybody had ever gone before, into the Sothoryos territories.
27. Tyraxes
Tyraxes was a young, lovely dragon that belonged to Prince Joffrey Velaryon, not Joffrey Lannister, the son of Cersei in Game of Thrones. Joffrey Velaryon was one of three brothers born to Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon.
Tyraxes was slain in the Storming of the Dragonpits before he could ride himself. He became entangled in his shackles, which the enraged crowd exploited and killed him on the spot.
28. Urrax
Urrax was not a live dragon at the time of the Dance of the Dragons or the events of Game of Thrones.
He was a mythical dragon that resided in Westeros during Serwyn of the Mirror Shield’s time, and he was also believed to have defeated Urrax.
29. Valyron
Valyron was also one of the dragons whose skulls adorned the Red Keep’s hallways and basements at King’s Landing.
Martin had never named him in the novels, but he was one of the eight dragons Lord Viserys mentions when swimming with Doreah in Vaes Dothrak in season one of the Game of Thrones series.
30. Vermax
In the Dance of the Dragons, Vermax was also one of the dragons battling. Jacaerys Velaryon, Rhaenyra’s eldest son, mounted him. Vermax and Jacaerys were dispatched to the north during the civil war to seek loyalty, and they were successful.
When his younger brother Viserys was kidnapped by the enemy, Jacaerys swore to rescue him and bring him home.
During the Battle of the Gullet, he and Vermax went on the enemy, only to be shot down and killed.
31. Vermithor
King Jaehaerys I Targaryen once rode Vermithor, commonly known as the Bronze Fury, a powerful, large dragon. Vermithor was left without a rider on Dragonstone when Jaehaerys died, until Hugh Hammer tamed and rode him.
Hugh and Vermithor were on Rhaenyra’s side until they betrayed her and the Black army. Fortunately for her, they chose to drink and whore with the Green army rather than continue their assaults.
Vermithor remained the largest and most powerful surviving dragon after Vhagar perished, but he too died during the chaotic Second Battle of Tumbleton.
32. Vermithrax
In the Game of Thrones series, Vermithrax was another dragon referenced by Viserys in the baths of Vaes Dothrak, although his name was never stated explicitly in George R. R. Martin’s novels.
Martin said that Vermithor was named after Vermithrax, a dragon from the 1980s epic film Dragonslayer, which he described as one of his favorite fantasy films of all time.
33. Vhagar
Vhagar, the largest, most powerful, and most deadly dragon in the Dance, was a massive she-dragon ridden by Visenya Targaryen during the War of Conquest and subsequently by Aemond Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons civil war, making Vhagar almost 180 years old.
After Meraxes and Balerion perished, she was the last of the three original Targaryen dragons to survive. Vhagar was an important figure in the Dance, killing Arrax, a much lesser dragon, and subsequently Meleys.
Caraxes was the only dragon that could fight her one-on-one; they ultimately battled with their riders on their backs, culminating in the deaths of all four — the dragons and their riders.
34. Viserion
Last but not least, Viserion was the third of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon offspring in the events of the Game of Thrones series. He was calmer than Drogon and resembled Rhaegal more closely, despite the fact that they were both his brothers. Viserion was never mounted, at least not in the real world.
He was slain in combat against the Night King, only to be revived and used by the Night King to demolish the Wall as a wight, an undead dragon.
The All 34 Game Of Thrones Dragon Names (History & Meaning) is a blog post that will give you the history and meaning of all 34 dragon names from the popular TV show, Game Of Thrones. Reference: do daenerys’ dragons forgive her.