If you are a Minecraft player, then you know that there are many different ways to make your own unique items. One way is by using the crafting table and materials found in the game. This guide will show you how to create a smoker with these materials.
In Minecraft, a smoker is a block that can be used to smoke items. This information will show you how to make a smoker in Minecraft and what materials you need to craft it.
In the year 2019, Minecraft received a slew of new features. A smoker is one of the game’s updates, which was first included in Bedrock 1.11 and Java 1.14. In Minecraft, there is a significant difference between a smoker and a furnace. Ores and food may be smelted in a furnace. A smoker, on the other hand, can only smelt the food things with more efficiency. But, in Minecraft, how would you make a smoker?
In Minecraft, you’ll need a crafting grid of 33 to construct a smoker. To begin, gather four pieces of any kind of wood. After that, you’ll need eight cobblestones to construct a furnace. Make a furnace consisting of eight smokers using your crafting grid. Now you must put the furnace and wood logs in the grid at their precise locations (place the furnace at the center box of your grid in such a way that there would be four wood logs surrounding it).
In Minecraft, the majority of players believe that a furnace and a smoker are the same thing. They believe this because they execute the same tasks. However, the truth is a little different. When compared to a furnace in Minecraft, a smoker cooks food items more faster and more efficiently. This tutorial will teach you all there is to know about the smoker in Minecraft.
Here you will learn all there is to know about a Minecraft smoker from the ground up.
Minecraft Smoker Recipe

In Minecraft, a smoker is a helpful tool and an essential block. The formula for making a Minecraft smoker is simple. With this recipe, you’ll have your smoker in no time.
To cut a long tale short, to prepare your smoker, you’ll need a furnace and four hardwood logs. By opening up your crafting table in Minecraft, you may use a crafting grid. Place the objects in this area. Allow some time for your smoker to warm up before using it in your game.
That’s it, you’ve successfully built a Minecraft smoker using this simple method.
What You’ll Need To Make A Smoker
To build a smoker in Minecraft, you’ll need a few things. It’s great if you can locate or gather these things in your Minecraft environment. I’ll list all of the basic components you’ll need to build your smoker below. The following are examples of raw materials:
- a single furnace
- A total of four oak logs
For your smoker, you may use any kind of wood. You have a variety of choices to select from. The following types of wood are available to you. However, it all relies on your comfort level and requirements in Minecraft.
- Logs of spruce
- Logs of birch
- Logs of Acacia
- Logs of dark oak
- Logs from the jungle
- Wood from citrus
Citrus wood is the finest kind of wood for making a smoker in Minecraft.
What Materials Do I Need To Make A Smoker In Minecraft?

To construct a smoker in Minecraft, you’ll need to gather the necessary raw ingredients. These goods may also be mined. Trading is another option for obtaining the required raw materials. Let’s go through how to locate each of these things in Minecraft one by one.
Furnace No. 1
For your smoker, you’ll need to make a furnace. You’ll need eight cobblestones for this project.
2. Logs of wood
In Minecraft, you may make a smoker out of any wood. You may mine any wood to create wood logs for your smoker, depending on availability. It’s preferable to mine them in biomes like woods, jungles, or forests.
3. Smooth stones/cobblestones
You may mine the cobblestones with your wooden pickaxe. If you don’t have a wooden pickaxe in your inventory, you can make one. You’ll need three wooden planks and two sticks to build one. These items will be transformed into a wooden pickaxe by your crafting grid. Smooth stones may also be made from bits of stone in Minecraft, or smooth stones can be obtained by smelting cobblestones twice.
In Minecraft, here’s how to make a smoker.
It’s a lot simpler than you think to make a smoker in Minecraft. The food products will smelt twice as quickly in a smoker. However, make sure you have enough of fuel on hand since you’ll need it to operate your smoker. A smoker uses gasoline twice as quickly as a non-smoker.
All you need to construct a smoker is a furnace, five iron ingots, and three smooth stones in a 3×3 crafting grid. Arrange the components in such a manner that your furnace is in the grid’s center box. Three smooth stones must make up the final row of your crafting grid. Five iron ingots should be placed in the remaining boxes of your crafting grid.
This setup will allow you to acquire a smoker in Minecraft. By transferring your smoker to an inventory slot, you may utilize it.
You may utilize it in your Minecraft game after you’ve finished preparing it. To use a cigarette in Minecraft, though, you must first master a few procedures. Let’s have a look at those stages.
- To begin, go to your Minecraft inventory hot bar and pick the smoker.
- Now, by dragging the cursor to the desired location, you may put your smoker.
- You’ll need to put gasoline in the bottom box to get it going. In a smoker, you may use any kind of fuel. In my Minecraft smoker, I’m utilizing coal as a fuel.
- Then place the food item you wish to cook or smelt in a smoker in the top box of the smoker.
- Allow the flames to erupt. It would assist you in the preparation of your meals.
- Place the cooked item in your inventory space now.
How Do You Make A Smoker For A Blast Furnace?
Blast furnaces vary from ordinary furnaces in several ways. They’re both helpful for smelting ore blocks. Smelting blocks, on the other hand, takes a different amount of time. The object will melt twice as quickly as if it were in a normal furnace. That is why a player would want to have this fantastic block in their Minecraft inventory.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a blast furnace smoker in Minecraft.
1. Gather the necessary raw materials.
To construct your blast furnace smoker, you’ll need to first locate the following materials.
2. A total of five pieces of iron ores or ingots
3. three stones that are smooth
Furnace number four
You may need to manufacture these things on sometimes. The smooth stones may be obtained by smelting the cobblestones twice in a furnace throughout your playtime. A two-step procedure would be required. In Minecraft, the first stage will give you with stones, and the second step will provide you with smooth stones.
The second item you’ll need to make for your smoker is an iron ingot. You’ll need a stone pickaxe to accomplish this. To mine the iron ores, use this pickaxe. After you’ve finished mining it, you’ll need to smelt it to obtain iron ingots. Make use of your furnace to complete the task. You’re now ready to sit down at your crafting table. Let’s get this party started.
To obtain a crafting grid of 33, open your crafting table. In Minecraft, this grid will assist you in converting your raw materials into a blast furnace smoker.
6. Organize your crafting grid using the things you’ve collected.
You must now gather three stone fragments. Then use them to create smooth stones. Place the materials in your crafting area now. Assemble the components according to the instructions below:
- Three iron ingots should be in the first row.
- The second row should include two iron ingots with a furnace in the middle.
- Three smooth stones should make up the third row.
We can now construct the blast furnace. The blast furnace smoker will appear in the right box of your crafting grid. In Minecraft, you have successfully built the blast furnace smoker.
- Add it to your stockpile.
The blast furnace smoker should then be placed in your Minecraft inventory.
What Is The Purpose Of Smokers In Minecraft?
To take use of the advantages of a smoker, you must first understand what a smoker is in Minecraft. The most important feature is that it can prepare meals. It helps you save half of your time. The benefits don’t stop there. There are many additional advantages to being a smoker.
Let’s take a look at each one separately.
1. It’s a tool for preparing meals.
In Minecraft, a smoker will assist you in cooking your meals. In Minecraft’s smoker, you may cook a variety of foods. Here’s a list of foods you can prepare for your smoker.
- Potato
- Mutton with raw beef
- Chicken, rabbit, cod, and salmon, raw
- Kelp
There are a few exceptions to this rule. In your smoker, you can’t cook chorus fruits, bones, poisoned tube roots, or poisonous materials.
2. Used as a look block at a butcher’s work location
It implies that if you use your smoker for anything other than food, it will not function.
3. As an alternative to blast furnaces
In Minecraft, a smoker is the equivalent of a blast furnace. When it comes to efficiency, working performance, fuel consumption, and the time it takes to melt items, both are the same. The distinction is in the kind of things that can be smelt in them.
In a smoker, you can smell food things that you can’t scent in a blast furnace. Similar to how you can smelt ores in a blast furnace but not in a Minecraft smoker, you can smelt ores in a blast furnace but not in a Minecraft smoker. In Minecraft, you may also use a blast furnace smoker to manufacture metal items and armor.
4. It was created to help you save time.
In Minecraft, a smoker typically takes less time to smelt or cook food than a furnace. In Minecraft, utilizing a smoker to prepare your food may save you a lot of time.
What Can You Smell In A Minecraft Smoker?
In Minecraft, you can use a smoker to assist you prepare your meal. In its active state, it can also produce a light level of thirteen. In your smoker, you may smell a number of things. I’ll go through a few of the food things that can be smelt in Minecraft’s smoker.
In a smoker, you may smell the following:
- Cooked chicken from raw chicken
- Steak made with raw meat
- Potatoes are transformed into baked potatoes.
- Cooked mutton from raw mutton
- Kelp is turned into dried kelp.
- Cooked salmon from raw salmon
- Cooked pork chop into raw pork chop
- To turn a raw rabbit into a cooked rabbit, follow these steps.
- Cooked cod from raw cod
In a smoker, you can’t cook the entire fruit. Because the smelting result, popping chorus fruit, is unfit to eat. As a result, you won’t be able to cook or smelt these fruits in your Minecraft smoker.
In Minecraft, what kind of fuel do you use for a smoker?
You’ll need to setup any fuel to operate a smoker in Minecraft. In your smoker, you’ll utilize this fuel to cook the food you want. Fuel must be poured into the furnace’s bottom chamber. The finest fuels for smokers function well in them. You have a lot of choices for what you can use as a fuel in a Minecraft smoker. You have the option of using any of the following fuels.
- Coal
- Charcoal
- buckets of lava
- Any kind of wood
One hundred things may typically be melted from a single block of lava. If you utilize coal as a fuel for your smoker in Minecraft, you may easily smelt eighty things at the same time. In your gaming, use a hopper to gather cooked food items from a smoker.
In how to use a smoker in minecraft you will learn how to make a smokier and more enjoyable experience. The first step is obtaining the materials for the project.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you craft a smoker Minecraft?
To craft a smoker in Minecraft, you need to have the following items: – 3 cobblestone – 1 stick – 1 string – 2 iron ingots
Are there smokers in Minecraft Java?
There are no smokers in Minecraft Java.
What can you put in a smoker Minecraft?
The only things that can be put in a smoker are meat, wood, and coal.